
Created by becki 15 years ago
tylers life started when i fell pregnant i was abit unsure at first but that feeling soon went away as i see my bump growing and then wen the lil flutters came all i did was smile i was so excited to meet him. then came my 20 weeks scan to find out weather it was a boy or girl i really wanted another lil boy as i already have 1 and wen they told me it was a boy it was a dream come true a lil brother for jayden, all i did after that was imagine how they would both run around together. then my bump started getting much bigger and then came the strong kicks he never stopped moving, iloved it,it always put a smile on my face. then when i was jus turning 32 weeks i went for my check up at the midwife and i listens to my angels heart beat and felt him kick, the midwife said everything was fine but hehadnt grown 4 2 weeks and i was swelling and seeing stars wich was a sighn of pre-clampsia and she sed i was fine so i went home feeling happy that i had jus heard his heart beat little did i know that it would be the last time. i went to bed that nite feeling a little poorly and didnt feel him move but i thought he was just having a qiuet night, i woke up to find my self bleeding which as the doctors told me was my placenta coming away before him, i couldnt beleive wat i was hearing my whole world just fell apart how can life be so cruel! my lil angel tyler was born sleeping on the 1st may 2009 he was just so perfect weighing 4lb 4oz with beautiful dark hair and looked just like his big brother jayden. all i wanted is to just take his place and let him have a chance at life it shouldnt happen to some1 so pefect in every way. i know now that he is in such a better place up there with the angels i just wish that i could hold him and kiss his soft cheeks 1 more time. we will never forget you angel ull always be in our hearts. i love n miss you so much mummys lil boy, nite nite sleep tight darling see you in heaven xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
